Nutrition Facts for Starbucks Menu

The data explored in this notebook was obtained from the Kaggle site. The data contains information about the Starbucks Drinks Menu with ingredients. You can find my Github repository and the jupyter notebook.

Ufuk Çolak
6 min readApr 18, 2021

Starbucks has attracted the attention of the whole world with its successes in the local market and then in the global market. With Starbucks stores and products spread across the globe, Starbucks has managed to become a part of people’s daily lives. Nowadays, most people go to Starbucks at least once a day. When people want to drink qualified coffee when they meet with friends, or in their coffee breaks, even for business meetings, their first choice will no doubt be Starbucks. Many reasons push people to this choice. For example, many reasons such as having too many kinds of beverages and snack foods, easily accessible location and a lot of branches in different areas play an important role in people’s choosing Starbucks.

Our aim in this project examines the content of Starbucks’ beverages by using many statistical methods. Also, we will create the best choice for you according to some criteria such as caffeine and total carbohydrates level, size of beverages, and calorific value at the end of the project.

This article is also written for completing a project for my Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree Program.

Research Questions

  • Is there any relationship between Calories and beverage preparation type?
  • Are the average amount of Fat related to the Starbucks Drink Category?
  • Difference In Calories between Classic Espresso Drinks and Signature Espresso Drinks?
  • Which beverages should not be drunk under specific circumstances such as high calories and total fat?

Data Description

This data shows the Starbucks Drinks Menu with ingredients. There are 242 observations and 18 variables for each beverage and the predictors are integer and numeric. In addition, when we look at the data, there are many missing values. This data retrieved from and it is constructed by Starbucks Company’s Nutrition Facts brochure.

The shape attribute tells us a number of observations and variables I have in the data set. It is used to check the dimension of data. This dataset has 242 observations and 18 variables in the data set.

The described method will help to see how data has been spread for numerical values. I can clearly see the minimum value, mean values, different percentile values, and maximum values.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Is there any relationship between Calories and Beverage Preparation Type?

To understand this, we constructed a barplot with Calories and Beverage Preparation Type. The median of the Beverages prepared with Whole Milk is the highest whereas Solo and Short are the lowest. It means Whole Milk Drinks has more Calories on average.

  • Are the average amount of Total Fat related to the Starbucks Drink Category?

To understand this relationship, We constructed a pie chart with the Total Fat and Drink Category.

According to these two charts, there are 9 types of Starbucks Beverages and their average amount of Total Fat in each type. These are Classic Espresso Drinks, Coffee, Frappuccino Blended Coffee, Frappuccino Blended Creme, Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee, Shaken Iced Beverages, Signature Espresso Drinks, Smoothies, and Tazo Tea Drinks.

When we look at the distribution of the average amount of Fat at these types, Frappuccino Light Blended Coffee has the most amount of Fat comparing to others. This type contains approximately 26.4% of total fat. On the contrary, the least amount of Fat is in Tazo Tea Drinks. The other beverage groups with a high amount of Fat are Classic Espresso Drinks, Signature Espresso Drinks, and Coffee, respectively.

  • Difference In Calories between Classic Espresso Drinks and Signature Espresso Drinks?

To find these differences, we constructed a plot that represents the distribution of both drinks.

According to this graph, Classic Espresso Drinks contains a much higher amount of Calories compared to Signature Espresso Drinks. However, some Signature Espresso Drinks contain more than 400 amount of Calories while none of Classic Espresso Drinks includes more than 400 amount of them. Signature Espresso Drinks is better distributed and it means that this type of beverages is more varied in terms of the number of Calories.

  • Which beverages should not be drunk under specific circumstances such as high calories and total fat?

To find these beverages, we should decide the circumstances that harmful to health. After deciding process, we think that people should avoid beverages with a high level of Calories and Total Fat. In the light of this information;

This graph represents the distribution of beverages with Calories and Total Fat. According to this, White Chocolate Mocha (Without Whipped Cream) and Caramel Macchiato are beverages not to be preferred. They contain a high amount of Calories and Total Fat. Especially, White Chocolate Mocha has more than 500 Calories that a quarter of the average amount of calories a person needs to take in a day.


In our dataset, there are almost 242 types of Starbucks Beverages and their 18 ingredients such as Calories, Trans Fat, Cholesterol, Beverage Preparation Type, Beverage Category and so on. Firstly, I decided on the research questions for this dataset. I investigated mostly the relationship between Calories and other ingredients. Also, I looked into Caffeine and Beverage Size relations, Fat and Drinks Category, Nutrients and specific Beverages Category such as Classic Espresso Drink.

The next part is the data description. In this part, we examined the distribution of these ingredients and we decided which one are quantitative or qualitative. Beverage Category, Beverages and Beverage Preparation type are qualitative whereas other ones are quantitative such as Calories, Sugars, Vitamin A, Iron and so on. After that, I looked at the distributions within these variables and drew summary statistics. Then, I checked missing values.

After I had done all the problems, I did the Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to test the research questions we had previously determined. As a result of these analyses, I have reached some conclusions. The most important of these are; when the size increase, calories level also increases. People should avoid some Starbucks Drinks to be healthy and these are White Chocolate Mocha (Without Whipped Cream) and Caramel Macchiato. The most amount of Calories levels belongs to beverages preparation with Whole Mik.

As a result of these analyses, we have found a few. These drinks are based on the most nutritious and low-calories. In this context, our suggestions are as follows:

- Caffe Latte with Nonfat Milk

- Caffe Mocha Latte

- Cold Brew Coffee

- Caffe Americano

